What Does My Donation Support?

For more than a century, ISM’s sole mission has been about the advancement of the supply management profession. Your donation would help support the development of diversity and inclusion-related educational resources for the professional community. Supporters receive a tax donation letter.


My Individual or Corporate Gift Helps Support


Continued education and development of tools, articles, events and resources around diversity and inclusion-related topics


Research surveys and development of white papers, infographics, video education and executive summaries and thought leadership around diversity and inclusion within the practice

Certification & Foundational Knowledge Enhancement

Continued development and modernization of supplier diversity certification to provide a professional validation of foundational knowledge to build and manage diverse supplier programs

Scholarships & Awards

Supporting and celebrating the professional community through scholarships and awards recognizing those who are innovators and leaders in diversity and inclusion

  • Make an Individual Donation

    Your individual contribution helps advance the education, illumination and transformation of our professional community. As guardians of our workplaces and our supplier network, the continued evolution of the practice of supply management has a direct impact on the world we all share. Every donation is applied toward the development of education, research and content development as well as scholarship support for those pursuing continued education in diversity and inclusion related programs.

    Donate $10 Donate $25 Donate $50 Donate $100 Donate $200

    Want to contribute a different amount? Contact our Member Services team.

  • Become a Corporate Supporter

    Your organization can support the pledge through your contribution to continued development of education for those who take the pledge and the underserved communities seeking opportunities in supply management. Our corporate supporter programs recognize your organization and look to incorporate you as an active participant in activities throughout the year to support the cause. Let’s talk about what we can do because together, we can make the world a better place.

    Contact Me!