Maintain Your Supply Management Certification

ISM’s Recertification Process

You’ve worked hard to earn your supply management certification. Now, let’s keep it active and working hard for you in your career.

Here you will find information to maintain your credentials through ISM’s recertification process. Because the certifications are dynamic credentials, ISM requires you to stay current with changes in the supply management field through continuous learning. Before applying for recertification, you will need to earn 60 hours of approved continuing education hours (CEHs) for both CPSM & CPSD, and 84 for C.P.M. and 42 for A.P.P.

Categories for Earning CEHs*:

*At least two-thirds of the hours must be educational in nature. One-third may be earned in the professional contribution's category.

Continuing Education

You can earn CEHs by either teaching or taking continuing education as it relates to the supply management profession.

College Courses

You can earn CEHs by either teaching or taking college courses that relate to the supply management profession.

Contributions to the Profession

You can earn CEHs through work-related projects, volunteering, membership and other related projects that give back to the profession. 


If you pursue other certifications, you can earn up to 20 CEHs each in the last year of qualification or during the grace period through exams.

Review Detailed Information Regarding the Recertification Process

The ISM Certification Candidate Handbook is your complete guidebook for all elements of certification including details on recertification and achieving lifetime status.

Download Certification Handbook

ISM’s Recertification Process:

Before applying for recertification, you must follow these steps.

1. Earn CEHs
2. Prepare Your CEHs/Transcripts
3. Submit Your Application
ISM has several options, including some low-cost and free options to keep your certification current. It pays to be an ISM member and is the most efficient way to earn CEHs. Submit your CEHs/Transcripts by selecting the recertification option on the application page. You will need to submit your application for recertification no earlier than 120 days prior to the expiration date on your current certificate. Members receive a discounted rate on their recertification fee of $89 USD. The rate for non-member’s is $119 USD.
Explore CEH Options Submit Your CEH Information Submit Your Recertification Application

ISM’s Reinstatement Process

Has Your Certification Lapsed Beyond a Year? If so, contact us to learn about reinstatement options:

Maintain the Credential You’ve Worked So Hard to Earn!

ISM offers many ways to maintain your supply management certification, including low-cost and free opportunities. Explore options for earning CEUs for CPSM, CPSD, C.P.M. or A.P.P. recertification.

Earn CEHs

Recertification Frequently Asked Questions

How long is my CPSM® valid?

The CPSM® designation is valid for a 3-year period. To maintain the CPSM®, you must recertify by submitting a recertification application with proof of continuing education completed. Individuals with a CPSM® that has been expired for more than a year must retake all the exams to recertify.

Once earned, how do I maintain my CPSD™?

CPSD’s are required to recertify every 3 years with 60 Continuing Education Hours (CEHs). CPSD’s are encouraged to recertify within the 60 days prior to the expiration date. Once your certification has expired, you will be given a one-year grace period in which you can recertify with no penalty. Candidates in their grace period will not be recognized as a CPSD™ nor will they be allowed to use the designation. Certificate dates will appear on the certificate as if the recertification had been completed prior to the expiration of your previous certificate.


Please notify the Certification Department when you move or change jobs to keep your records current, as we may attempt to notify individuals when their designation has expired. You can also update your contact information by logging into and going to My Account to update your contact information.

I have a C.P.M., what are my recertification requirements?

Individuals who have earned their C.P.M. designation are required to be recertified every five years. To be recertified, an applicant must earn 84 Continuing Education Hours (CEHs) during their current certificate period.

At least two-thirds of the CEHs must be educational in nature. One-third may be earned in the professional contributions category.

CEHs are counted hour-for-hour. For example, if a candidate is in a class for 7 hours (not counting lunch and breaks) then ISM gives credit for 7 CEHs.

Hours may be earned for any class/conference/seminar that is at least one hour long, is related to the candidate's job, and is documentable. The only job-related classes we will not accept are related to first aid, safety, or fork-lift training.

The documents we require for continuing education can be either a certificate of completion or a letter of completion from the organization which sponsored the class/seminar/conference. Candidates can also have a supervisor sign-off on all continuing education.

CEHs may be earned in the following categories:

  1. College Courses (Taken or Taught)
  2. Continuing Education (Taken or Taught)
  3. Contributions to the Profession

Candidates should submit their application for recertification no more than 120 days prior to the expiration date on their current certificate. For example, if a candidate's expiration date is October 31, then they would need to wait until at least June 30 before applying for Recertification.

Please note: Candidates whose certificates lapse for more than one year will not be allowed to recertify.

I have a current C.P.M., what are lifetime recertification requirements?

In addition to the recertification requirements, those applying for Lifetime Certification must document at least 18 years of full-time professional (non-clerical, non-support) purchasing and supply management experience.

Applicants for Lifetime Certification should apply as soon as they are eligible.

Candidates will have already documented a certain amount of C.P.M. experience on their C.P.M. Original application so they do not need to document this particular experience again.

A C.P.M. meeting Lifetime Certification criteria in a current certificate period needs to earn Continuing Education Hours (CEHs) through the year in which they meet the requirements for Lifetime Certification, regardless of when they apply for the designation.

At least two-thirds of the CEHs must be educational in nature. One-third may be earned in the professional contributions category.

Applicants must submit documentation of CEHs earned, determined on a prorated basis, since their last certificate date. Please refer to the prorated scale below to determine the number of CEHs required:

Years since Current Certification Period Began CEHs Needed
1 year or less 21 CEHs
1 but less than 2 years 35 CEHs
2 but less than 3 years 56 CEHs
3 but less than 4 years 70 CEHs
4 but less than 5 years 84 CEHs

Please note: Candidates whose certificates lapse for more than one year will not be allowed to recertify.

How much does the recertification application fee cost?

Once you've attained the required CEHs for your designation, you are ready to submit your application. Please submit your application for recertification no earlier than 120 days prior to the expiration date on your current certificate.

Recertification Application Fee

Member $89 USD

Nonmember $119 USD

What are the certification terms and CEHs required to recertify?

Earn approved continuing education hours for designated certification.

Please note that candidates must retain all documentation pertaining to submitted CEHs in case of random audit.
Designation Term CEHs Needed Each Term
CPSM® 3 years 60
CPSD 3 years 60
C.P.M. 5 years 84
A.P.P. 5 years 42
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