The Leading Supplier Diversity Certification
Get Certified in an In-Demand Supply Management Specialization
ISM’s Certified Professional in Supplier Diversity® (CPSD™) certification is one of the few that exists in this growing and much-needed specialization area of supply management. Many companies engage in supplier diversity to be socially responsible or to meet customer or federal requirements. However, they don’t understand its true profit potential. Demographics continue to change and organizations increasingly need experts to implement or oversee their supplier diversity programs.
With a CPSD™, you’ll be the expert they need to identify the opportunities and challenges that arise to make intelligent supplier diversity decisions. As a CPSD™, you’ll be the guiding hand with the knowledge and training to show an organization how supplier diversity can both meet requirements and improve the bottom line. You’ll become a leader in accelerating innovation through learning how to leverage diverse suppliers to support organizational goals and outcomes.
The Benefits of CPSD™ certification:
- ROI: You'll typically earn more than your peers — nearly 10% more on average.
- Prepared: 45% of supply management professionals currently handle diversity-related tasks.
- In Demand: Companies desperately need an expert to lead their supplier diversity efforts.
- Effective: You can help reduce costs and bring innovation because many smaller diverse suppliers are often more nimble and innovative than larger suppliers.
- Priced Fairly: A CPSD™ is competitively priced in comparison to other industry certifications.
- Transportable: Even if you change industries, your CPSD™ will still be recognized and highly valuable across industries.
Become CPSD™ Certified: The Certification Process
Eligibility Requirements
Learn about the requirements for the CPSD™ certification.
Study & Prepare
We offer a variety of robust training resources to fit your schedule and learning preferences.
Purchase & Schedule Exams
After you’ve prepared for the exams, you can schedule to take your exam.
Pass Exams & Complete Application
Once you have fulfilled eligibility experience and passed your exams, you’re ready to apply for certification.

Get One of Supply Management’s Hottest Credentials
Ready to Begin Your CPSD™ Journey?
Get Started Today!CPSD™ Frequently Asked Questions
What are the criteria to obtain the CPSD™?
3 years full-time, professional supplier diversity or supply management experience (non-clerical, nonsupport) and have a regionally accredited bachelor’s degree1 OR 5 years of supplier diversity or supply management experience (non-clerical, nonsupport) without a degree.
Pass 2 CPSD™ Exams.
1 Regionally accredited means that your bachelor's degree was earned from a college or university that is recognized by one of the six U.S. accrediting organizations listed with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Please email the Certification Department if you have questions regarding your degree.
What is considered acceptable work experience?
Full-time professional experience where supply management, procurement or supply chain is the primary job function. Clerical and support roles do not apply. Candidates can submit a Work Experience Evaluation if they are unsure if their experience qualifies. This evaluation is optional and a fee will apply.
Do I have to have the required experience before I can take the exams?
No. Exam scores are valid for 4 years from the test date. You can take the exams as you work towards your experience and/or degree.
What is the average cost to obtain the CPSD™?
The average cost for ISM members ranges from $347-$733 USD. The average cost for nonmembers ranges from $577 - $1,153. ISM membership is not required to become a CPSD™, however significant savings, along with a host of member benefits are enjoyed by ISM members. Click here for information about joining as an ISM member.
Do you offer reimbursement through the GI Bill?
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs reimburses for CPSM® Exam fees.
Our exams are specifically approved for the GI Bill. The VA can pay only for the cost of the tests and not other fees connected with obtaining the or CPSM® (study materials, application fees, etc.).
The Montgomery GI Bill (also called the MGIB or Chapter 30)
- VEAP (also called Chapter 32), or
- Dependents Educational Assistance (also called DEA or Chapter 35) (DEA is a benefit for children, spouses, and surviving spouses of veterans with 100% service-connected disability or who died in service or due to service-connected disability.)
You can receive up to $2,000 per test (but not more than the cost of the test). There is no limit to the number of tests you can take.
For more details please visit When using the search feature, keep in mind that ISM is located in the state of Arizona.
How long will it take to get my CPSD™?
Timeframes vary based upon candidates’ study program. For those who are self-paced learners, the average is approximately 6 – 12 months to completion, depending on experience and time available to study.
What content is covered in the CPSD™ Exams?
There are two CPSD™ Exams. Below is a break-down of the exam by sections, with the number of questions and time allowed. See the Exam Specifications for further details.
Supply Management Core
Section Name # of Questions
Sourcing 50
Category Management 10
Negotiation 14
Legal & Contractual 21
Supplier Relationship Mgmt 43
Cost & Price Mgmt 10
Financial Analysis 9
180 Questions
180 Scored | 15 Unscored
3 Hours
Essentials in Supplier Diversity
Section Name # of Questions
Policies and Planning 37
Sourcing/Supplier Development 32
Finance/Budgeting 18
Metrics/Oversight 12
Training and Development 11
Advocacy/Marketing/Outreach 10
120 questions
All Scored
2 Hours
How are the Exams scored? What is passing?
Each candidate must pass with a minimum scaled score of 400 regardless of the number of questions in that Exam. ISM maintains multiple versions, or forms, of the exam. While the content of the exam remains constant, the actual questions used in the exam will change. Different forms of the exam use different questions, the level of difficulty will vary slightly from test to test. To compensate for these variations, a statistical procedure known as equating is used to account for differences in test difficulty. The passing score is not calculated based upon percentages.
For example, let's suppose we have two test forms of an exam — Test A and Test B. Now suppose it is established that in order to pass Test A, a person must answer 32 out of 60 questions correct. Furthermore, suppose that Test B is somewhat easier than Test A. To compensate for this difference, the passing score for Test B is adjusted to prevent any "bonus" being given to the candidates taking Test B. Thus, it may be established that a candidate must get a score of 34 out of 60 on Test B in order to pass. This is test equating. It holds candidates to the same standard in terms of difficulty, regardless of which version is taken.
Due to this method of equating the percentage of correct answers varies from exam to exam. Then, to maintain consistency in scoring, a second statistical procedure called scaling is used. Scaling converts all scores to a scale ranging from 100 to 600 with a passing score set at 400. Thus, the scores you receive from ISM are actually scaled scores. If the scaled score on any particular Exam ranges from 100 to 390, this means you failed that Exam. If the scaled score is in the range of 400 to 600, you passed that Exam.
What do I do if I fail an exam?
If you fail an exam, you should use the score report that you receive from the test center to re-focus your study effort on any task area(s) where you did not answer approximately 75% of the questions correctly. Then revisit the study material you used to prepare for the exams and purchase additional sources if more in-depth studying is needed.
To re-test, you will again need to register with ISM and pay the appropriate member or non-member fee.
ISM has a 30-day retake policy for the CPSM® Exams. If you are unsuccessful on an exam you must wait 30 days before you are eligible to re-take that specific exam.
Do I have to pay to re-take the exam?
Yes, you will again need to register with ISM and pay the appropriate member or non-member fee. There is no discount on re-tests.
ISM has a 30-day retake policy for the CPSM® Exams. If you are unsuccessful on an exam you must wait 30 days before you are eligible to re-take that specific exam.
Am I able to see the questions that I got wrong on an exam?
Specific exam questions and answers are not made public. A score report for each exam is provided upon completion. The score report provides detail about the task areas where questions were missed. Task areas that you answered less than 75% of the questions correct is an area that requires more study.
How long are my CPSD™ Exam scores valid?
CPSD™ Exam scores are valid for 4 years from the date they are taken. If an exam score is more than 4 years old, the exam must be taken and passed again before applying for the CPSD™.
How do I register for CPSD™ Exam(s)? How do I know where the closest test center is located?
Your exam registration is valid for six months from the day ISM processes your registration. Payment is required in advance. You must test by the expiration date to avoid forfeiting your exam fees.
Individual candidate testing is done at Pearson VUE Testing Centers and can be scheduled at your convenience.
What kind of identification (I.D.) will I need in order to test?
For your exam, you must bring one valid photo I.D. with signature that exactly matches the name on your exam registration.
Your I.D. MUST be one of the following:
- Driver's License*
- Passport*
- Military I.D.*
- Official State, Government, or National I.D.
- Employee I.D.
- Student I.D.
- Photo credit card
No other forms of I.D. will be accepted.
*Driver's License, Passport and Military IDs that have a digital signature encoded will only be accepted as valid ID if accompanied by another valid ID with signature.
Note: On the day of your exam, if you are unable to produce a valid I.D. matching the name in ISM's database, you will not be allowed to test and all registration fees will be forfeited.
Note: Pearson VUE uses biometrics in all test centers. Biometrics are automated methods of recognizing a person based on a physical characteristic and are primarily used to combat identity fraud. One such method involves the examinee placing a palm on a scanner, which results in an electronic palm print.
What else should I know about taking my exam at a Pearson VUE Test Center?
- Plan to arrive 30 minutes before your appointment. If you are late, you will be considered a "no show" and your exam fees will be forfeited.
- You will be required to leave all personal belongings in a locker. This includes bags, cell phones, watches, wallets, notes, books or other materials not authorized for this exam.
- An erasable note board and pen will be provided for the exam. They will be collected at the end of the test.
- Calculators will be also be provided.
- Wear comfortable, layered clothing. Test center temperatures vary.
How do I reschedule or cancel an existing appointment?
To reschedule or cancel your test appointment, you must contact Pearson VUE at least 24-hours prior to the scheduled local testing time. For example, an 8:30am appointment on Monday must be rescheduled by 8:30am on Sunday (all times are local). If you do not reschedule or cancel your appointment in time, all funds are forfeited.
Fees may apply if any changes or cancellations are made within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment time.
Please DO NOT call your local Pearson VUE test center to make appointments or cancel or reschedule appointments.
How can I take CPSD™ Exams at my company?
ISM offers onsite testing for groups. To request more information regarding on-site testing, please contact us at
How can I schedule CPSD™ Review Courses at my company?
ISM offers onsite training and review courses. To require more information, please contact our Corporate Services team at
How do I apply and check the status of my application?
After you have met all requirements, you will need to apply for certification. You can apply online here.
Application processing may take up to 4 weeks. We offer a rush service for an additional fee. If rush service is purchased, we guarantee that your application will be reviewed within 2 business days.
I am having issues getting my work experience documentation, do you have any suggestions?
Remember to use employer letterhead, have a current or previous supervisor or human resource department sign each letter, and include each title, and the length of time the title was held (from mo/yr to mo/yr).
Titles referenced in the samples are representative only and do not cover the range of titles held or used in the field.
Questions? Call ISM at 480-752-6276, extension 3094.
Some of the more common situations encountered when documenting experience, and recommended solutions, are covered below:
Contact a previous supervisor, or other individual you worked with, who can certify your employment history and have them write a letter for you. Have them explain the situation briefly and identify their previous relationship to you within the company.
Consider researching information at your public library or local government entity for documents of incorporation. You may be able to find the entity holding the personnel/employment records. You may also want to ask your present employer if they verified your previous experience, job titles, dates held, and so on. If this was done, your current employer can certify previous experience.
If you have a title that is not normally associated with professional purchasing and supply management, then document your responsibilities in detail and submit with your application. When listing job duties please make sure to specify the percentage of time spent in each area/job function. ISM will review the material and make a decision.
Ask your commanding officer for a letter documenting your experience. In most cases we have received the DD 214. In some cases military review or discharge documents may also help document your experience.
Once earned, how do I maintain my CPSD™?
CPSD’s are required to recertify every 3 years with 60 Continuing Education Hours (CEHs). CPSD’s are encouraged to recertify within the 60 days prior to the expiration date. Once your certification has expired, you will be given a one-year grace period in which you can recertify with no penalty. Candidates in their grace period will not be recognized as a CPSD™ nor will they be allowed to use the designation. Certificate dates will appear on the certificate as if the recertification had been completed prior to the expiration of your previous certificate.
Please notify the Certification Department when you move or change jobs to keep your records current, as we may attempt to notify individuals when their designation has expired. You can also update your contact information by logging into and going to My Account to update your contact information.